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State Grid Xiaogan Branch Meeting Room Lighting Renovation Project
Author: Origin: Navigate: Release Date:2023-10-21

State Grid Xiaogan Branch, the company's business scope includes: electricity sales and power supply services; maintenance of power lines and facilities; design, installation, and construction of power projects; engaging in the company's construction engineering design with qualifications; supply of power materials; power metering services; power Scientific research, vocational training, etc.

1. Project Introduction Project:

Name: State Grid Xiaogan Branch

Nature: Lighting renovation project

Purpose: Meet ultra-high-definition 4K shooting requirements, the scene atmosphere is good, the leader is in good spirits, and the photos and videos are clear and natural 

Content: Wuhan Kema is mainly responsible for lighting system design and guidance of installation and commissioning.

Area: 97.5 sqm 

2. Project details:

A, this is a converted video conference room. Problems at the scene: faces are reddish and the picture is distorted. The only lighting on site was light strips, surrounded by downlights. The illumination was only about 300LX, and the surface light was only 100LX. 

B, I first installed 4 electric surface lights, but the effect did not meet the requirements. Then I bought 12 downlights and installed them all. The power supply of the surface light is shared with the light strip on the top. In addition, there are four spotlights, which are installed on the entrance characters to illuminate the characters. The specific position is to test the most suitable position after lighting the lights. 

C. According to what I learned at the scene, the camera is a Sony brand, but its white balance is inconsistent with the lighting on site, resulting in poor results. So after we installed the lights, Mr. Mei adjusted the camera to test the effect again.

Appreciation of comparative cases before and after project renovation

Before renovation: The conference room was dark, the lighting was reddish, the leader’s face was darkened, and the shooting pictures were unrealistic. 

After renovation: The light is soft, not glare, no glare and no flicker, making it very comfortable for leaders to hold long meetings.

3. Customer evaluation 

What I am satisfied with: 1. The lighting design is novel and the lighting effect is very good. 2. The degree of specialization is very high, and one-stop service is provided from the start of construction to the overall acceptance.

  • Factory
  • FREE lighting design
  • FREE technology training
  • Three-year warranty