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Shanghai Procuratorate Lighting: Shanghai Changning District Procuratorate Lighting Renovation Project
Author: Origin: Navigate: Release Date:2023-10-21

The Changning District People's Procuratorate of Shanghai is the procuratorial agency within Changning District, Shanghai. The lighting design of this project is designed by a designer with 10 years of experience in lighting design. Small and medium-sized studios (panoramic studios under 200 square meters), government video conference rooms, live broadcast rooms, studios of universities/colleges/primary and secondary schools, report Hall, micro-class classroom and other program design and budget.

1. Project Introduction:

Name: Shanghai Changning District Procuratorate Lighting Renovation Project
Area: 240 square meters
Dimensions: 20 meters long × 12 meters wide × 3.5 meters high
Installation: Inline installation
Construction time: September 14, 2023 

2. Lighting problem:

The leader's face in the conference room was darkened, and the lights in the room were dim.

With professional designers, construction and lighting debugging teams, we provide comprehensive lighting solutions for the radio and television industry, governments, schools, enterprises and institutions, etc. to help users adapt to the needs of TV news production in the all-media era and improve the quality of conference photography. .

3. Solution:

How to choose conference room lighting? Regarding the selection of lighting fixtures, this project used a total of 184 table lamps, 160 downlights, LED film and television panel lights and LED film and television spotlights. Model KM- H12 film and television flat-panel surface lights, 16 units, power 120W, color temperature 5600K. There are 8  model KM-M 10 film and television spotlights with a power of 100W. The spotlights are used for contour light and eye light.

4. Customer evaluation: 

The customer said: The skin color looks much better than before. The face light is turned down a little, and the light is much brighter than before. You, Kema, are so professional. You can easily solve lighting problems that could not be solved before. After installing the Kema lights: the atmosphere of the scene is good, the leaders are in good spirits, and the photos and videos are clear and natural.

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